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Collect and Mail Your Sample

This article provides instructions for collecting and mailing your sample for testing. Follow each step carefully for accurate results. Important: Do not eat, drink, smoke, or chew gum for at least 30 minutes before collecting your sample.


Collecting the Sample

  1. Open the package and remove the sample collector. Do not touch the sponge tip.
  2. Place the sponge as far back in your mouth as comfortable. Gently rub it along your lower gums in a back-and-forth motion about 10 times. Avoid rubbing against your teeth.
  3. Repeat the process on the opposite side of your mouth, focusing on the lower gums.
  4. Hold the sample tube upright to prevent spilling. Carefully unscrew the cap without touching the sponge.
  5. Insert the sponge into the tube and tightly close the cap.
  6. Shake the sealed tube vigorously 15 times to mix the sample.

Mailing the Sample

  1. Place the collection tube in the provided biohazard bag and seal it securely.
  2. Put the sealed biohazard bag into the prepaid mailing envelope.
  3. Seal the envelope and drop it in the mail.
  4. Your personalized results will be delivered to your inbox in approximately 3-4 weeks.

If you have any questions, please contact BioLEV customer support for assistance.